Friday, September 7, 2012

another creativity burst

After a very loooong time, I got my inspiration back and I'm writing again. Ok, it's not really writing writing... it's fan fiction... the less 'serious' type of writing... but still...

If you don't know what to read and a book is to much for you, check out this site: pick a fandom (a movie or a tv show) and browse for something you want to read. There are very talented writers there, it's worth a shot.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

instead of a headboard... - part 2

So today I snapped some photos with my phone, ergo... do not expect good quality. I'll make amend when my camera shows up and is properly charged.

This is the "headboard":

Ok, so the bed is a little messy... sorry for that.

This was also my first try-the-piping-thing project, and I totally intend to use this technique again.

The second instance was up and about in no time... experience does count, or so it seems...

I have a project or two still left for the girls' room, and then I'll give you the grand tour, as an "after" of my previous "before". Stay tuned!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

instead of a headboard...

... why not a bolster?

Smurfettes' beds don't have a headboard, and after long and careful thinking I didn't want to make things heavy with something woody, so I decided for a textile solution.

I surfed the net for inspiration, but everything was tufted or overly stuffed, and I wanted something more versatile, not to mention easily washable... you can probably relate with that last requirement if you happen to have kids like mine... artists, that is.

I came across a disquisition on the difference between bolsters and lumbars (I didn't even suspect there was a difference, by the way), and my brain lighted the proverbial light bulb. I stumbled upon this self explanatory picture that helped me in the choice:

found @ The Nester: check that blog, it's worth it

So today I got to work. I bought a roll of foam and cut it accordingly to the suitable size (and before you ask: I opted for a lumbar, not regular, 'cause it's about 17"x36"), bought also the striped cotton and linen heavy fabric, got out of my old stash a beige panama cloth for lining, a roll of purple bias tape and a sisal string (the last two for piping) and busied myself.

See the picture above? I was really busy for the whole afternoon, since I deployed the prototype, which in fact is so good that got promoted to the real thing.

I must clone that for the second bed, but I'm very satisfied of the result. You'll get to see the pictures tomorrow, 'cause the light is just horrible and everything keeps coming out wrong.