Wednesday, June 22, 2011

sudoku training quilt

While I wait for the Chrysalis bundles to arrive, I decided to train my skills in a sudoku training quilt. It's incredible how I'm perfectly able to piece crazy or traditional blocks, but when it comes to simple square blocks I am clumsy beyond belief.

So, back to the point. I had these two cuties:

With some pieces from the layer cake and coordinated pieces from the charm pack I put together nine 5" squares in nine different patterns:

and then proceeded to piece them following the sudoku game I previously prepared.

It came out pretty well (pinning when piecing does help), but when I was pressing open the seams I realized I made some little and definitely unwanted block swapping... Since it's a training quilt, and it's quite balanced nonetheless, I didn't take it apart.

Tonight I'll cut the batting and the pieces for the back, and I hope I'll have something for you to see very soon!

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